Getting into Creation Mode!

Any novel product or unique business concept was once the brainchild of a person or a group of people who held a vision. Not only tangible things need a visual in order to come together, also intangible ones such as Gandhi’s peace movement or Martin Luther King’s dream of equality...

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When life deals you a bad hand…

Keep your vibes high…no matter what!

I am sure you have al been in situations you did not see coming. 

In this blog I will be sharing with you a life experience, I don't wish to anyone. There is no pointing fingersor blaming, I take full responsibility for accepting the...

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Why you should invest in YOU!

Dont we all want to be the very best version of who we CAN possibly be? 

I would say: YES, of course! We all want to feel fulfilled, may it be to have a job we enjoy or having a thriving business; finding ourselves in a loving relationship or being part of a caring circle of...

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Rejection is protection.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we always got what we wanted? 

 In a way ‘yes’, but at the same time, after a while we would not be ale to feel truly satisfied when reaching a goal. Just as there is day, there will be night and just as there is negative and positive energy...

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What you FOCUS on, you attract!

Having focus is crucial to get to where you want to go in life. What you focus on, you attract!                      

For a second - Let’s compare our life journey to taking our car for a spin. I am sure we can all agree that when...

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Stop wasting time!!

Everyone who knows me for a while knows that I ‘love’ observing people within their natural or unnatural habitat, as after doing this for many years, it is very easy for me to read their energy. Of course the best teacher in life is experience, but the second best is undoubtedly...

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